Saturday, June 2, 2012

Introduction and Mission Statement

Dear Reader,
Welcome to The Gilded Lily. My name is Karen and I will be your beauty blogger.

You might be curious about the title I've chosen, as the expression "gilding the lily" has somewhat negative connotations.

This blog has been created to celebrate the beauty of all women, no matter their color, size, shape, and style. We all have something lovely about us and it is our right to enhance (or "gild") that loveliness however we choose to, be it in a way so subtle most won't notice or in such a dramatic fashion that we are transformed.

I promise, Dear Reader, to provide you with careful reviews on products I have personally tested and researched. I promise to develop exciting, fun, and useful tutorials based on my own innovation, but also on reader feedback. I promise to be as prompt with my updates and responses as life allows and always be a kind, friendly guru blogger.

Let us embrace the beauty in all of us!


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