Friday, June 22, 2012

Natural Vitamin E Hair Mask

Hair masks are a wonderful way to give yourself healthy, shiny, soft hair. I personally recommend using one once a week for best results. There are several types of store-bought masks out there and with luck you can find one that suits your hair perfectly. 

However, homemade masks can be very beneficial as well. Unlike store-bought or salon masks, these might not give you instant gratification results, but use of them over time will give you strong, healthy hair. 

The following is a natural mask I came up some years ago, after consulting my hair dresser. My goal at the time was to undo damage caused by too much hair dye. I like using it at least once a month, in between store-bought treatments. The ingredients have been selected for their cleansing, conditioning, and strengthening properties and the result has been, longer, fuller hair that is much more manageable. 

Ingredients and tools:
Olive Oil (Amount varies)
1 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
1 tbsp Honey
1 tbsp Vitamin E
1 egg
A bowl
A whisk
Saran wrap or shower cap (optional)

Tips and Preparation:
1.      Get your ingredients together.
2.      Make sure you’re wearing a top you don’t mind dirtying.
3.      Consider doing this outside to avoid getting too messy.
4.      If you can’t do it outside, try doing it in your bathroom/shower over tiled floor.
5.      Have something to read/entertain you while the mask is soaking into your hair.
6.      Have lots of paper towels nearby!
7.      Do not use water that’s too hot to wash your hair out. The last thing you want to clean out of your hair is cooked egg!

 Step 1:
Crack an egg into a clean bowl that’s large enough to cover the top of your head. This will help make application a little easier. Eggs are great for this mask as they have many enzymes and proteins that will strengthen follicles, which adds volume to hair. They’re also beneficial for a healthy scalp.
Step 2:
Add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. The helpful acids of apple cider vinegar help remove any dead skin cells and bacteria from your scalp and balance its pH levels. It’ll also remove any residue from styling products such as hairspray, mousse, and gel. Remember, clean hair is healthy hair.

Step 3:
Add one tablespoon of honey. Honey is a natural moisturizer that will keep hair nourished and soft, plus provide it with important amino acids and antioxidants. 

Step 4:
Add one tablespoon of vitamin E oil. Vitamin E oil will help repair hair that suffers from breakage and split ends, as well as preventing them. It also aids hair’s natural oil in giving it a healthy, shiny appearance. 
Step 5:
Add olive oil. The amount of oil used will vary depending on hair length. You should use enough of it so that the mixture will be able to spread over all of your hair and scalp. As I have pretty long hair…
… I’m using a fair amount. Olive oil will help inhibit the production of DTH, a hormone that weakens hair follicles and is often the cause of excessive hair loss. It’ll also help smooth out the hair cuticles, keeping your mane protected.  

Step 6:
Whisk the contents of the bowl until everything is nicely mixed together.

Step 7:
Tilt your head forward and start by dipping your tips into the mix. Little by little work the mixture up (it might help to kneel over the bowl while it rests on the floor while you do this) until all of your hair and scalp are coated.

Step 8:
Pile up your hair onto your head. You can use a plastic clip or pin to secure it. Use strips of paper towel on the hairline and on your shoulders, to avoid drips. If you’d like, place a shower cap on your head or wrap up your hair in saran wrap. This will also prevent drips and will help the ingredients work more.

Step 9:
Time to wait. Some may not mind walking around the house like this, but I prefer to sit down with a magazine or a book. I don’t recommend a hot bath, as the steam could cause the egg to harden in your hair. Shorter hairstyles (pixie cuts, bobs, etc) should wait for about half an hour. Medium/shoulder length hair waits for 45 minutes. Long hairstyles (like mine!) wait for an hour.

Step 10:
Step into the shower and rinse of the mask. Use a mild shampoo to clean your hair afterwards (unless you don’t mind smelling like vinaigrette all day!) and use conditioner, if desired. Also, please watch your step during this time, as the olive oil can make the shower floor very slippery!



  1. Thank you so much for the post, this is really helpful and I am keen to try it this weekend :) Just one question: can use avocado oil instead of olive oil?

  2. Avocado oil should work just fine, with all the great benefits =). I chose olive simply because it's the one people have the most ready access to. Thanks for checking out the blog, feel free to enjoy some of my other tutorials when you have a moment.

